TIBCO Jaspersoft®

What is TIBCO Jaspersoft®?

TIBCO Jaspersoft® offers premium business intelligent software for corporate solution for handling large data. Being Java based driven technology which allows flexible reporting into easily accessible format application (i.e. xls, pdf, ppt, doc, txt, rtf, html, json etc). Jaspersoft® Studio comes in different editions to meet different customer needs.
Data of any source format is fed into this sophisticated system and then transformed into various charts, graphics and maps to enhance their understanding. This information is then further refined into tables, cross-tables and business elements which will sharpen your decision making skills. We offer this premium solution for integration in your business enterprise for enhancing performance by analyzing the data precisely.



Multiple data sources integration with single view


Fits perfectly in web browsers and mobile apps


Customized dashboard with easy access to all data fields


Quick data interactive solutions


Supports more than 50 major graphical representation of data


Maximum reusability with export format in all major application


Robust Authentication with standard sign-on methods


Pixel perfect and pdf reporting

Why Jaspersoft for your Business Enterprise?


  • Comprehensive Business Intelligent Solution with highly scalable architecture
  • Handling and reporting based on Big Data business (Hadoop, MongoDB etc)
  • Easily accessible reporting in multiple formats
  • Economic Cloud support with Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Multi platform tool compatibility
  • Embedding Jaspersoft® inside your business apps for better integration & results

Why us for TIBCO Jaspersoft®?

As TIBCO partner for their analytic product lines we offer sales of TIBCO Jaspersoft® solution and technical support for integration of TIBCO Jaspersoft® solution into customer environment. With TIBCO Jaspersoft® your business will get better reports and performance from huge bundles of data by enabling them to make faster decisions at the right time.

Which TIBCO analytic solution is good for you?

When would you use Jaspersoft® and when Spotfire®? Why do we provide two different analytic solutions? Here are some guidelines:


  • Known questions to be answered
  • Standard reports for large groups of users
  • IT building BI inside portals & applications
  • Pixel perferct and pdf reporting


  • Self service and ad hoc analytics
  • Unique analysis, answer unknown
  • Rapidly changing environment
  • Interactive dashboards
  • Analytic applications
  • Advanced analytics including stats, predictions and forecastig

Connect With Us


    In the most transformational time of human history where winning or losing will start happening faster than ever before, doing business with the right people is becoming a crucial factor. Values, IT and business knowledge of people in Ansera provided us with an integrative business solution that will help our vision become a reality.
    Petra Radović
    Chief Financial, Marketing and HR officer / Teh-Cut d.o.o.
    We needed best business practices on decision making and reporting, meaning visualizations and the value that can be derived from the information contained in them. We wanted to establish a partnership with a provider, not only on an IT level, but also on a business consulting level. We found all this help through the people at ANSERA and TIBCO.
    Črtomir Ješelnik
    Use of the system Spotfire and cooperation with the company Ansera was an important business moment for us because the company KERN upgraded the controlling and reporting capabilities, in particular, we shortened time to collect data and prepare analyses. It is important to emphasize that the system is used in all main processes of the company KERN and that the employees effectively adopted and implemented its full functionalities in our processes.
    Janez Poje
    Director / Kern

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