Advanced and predictive analytics

Spotfire is uniquely alluring in providing a combination of visual and statistical analytics to inform customer’s accurate values from their data. These capabilities are then applied at multiple levels of complexity to solve different types of problems.

Spotfire’s simple integration of statistical models to discover relationships in data, logical ways to group data and recognize previously unknown relationships in large data sets.

More technical user requirements can be addressed by Spotfire’s predictive functions which enables users to use relationships in data to predict future course of action based on past analysis. For example estimate likelihood of customer responding to an offer.

Using Spotfire’s predictive analytics engine enables even the most sophisticated users to optimize constrained resources to determine the best possible outcomes.

To answer complex questions users are not required to be experts in advanced mathematics, statistics or computer science. They can use menus and pre build models without scripting. If these models do not meet the requirements, scripts can be used to leverage capabilities of Tibco Enterprise Runtime for R statistical engine (TERR) an enterprise grade analytic engine that TIBCO has built from the ground up to be fully compatible with the R language.

Genuine and authentic use of Advanced and predictive analytics::

  • CRM analytics
  • Geoanalytics and optimizing logistics
  • Forecasting
  • Fraud detection
  • Detecting best employees with multiple criteria
  • Six sigma analytics in operations.

Additionally Spotfire is often used to discover insights in content and event analytics, i.e. getting insight into increasing unstructured or real time data.

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    In the most transformational time of human history where winning or losing will start happening faster than ever before, doing business with the right people is becoming a crucial factor. Values, IT and business knowledge of people in Ansera provided us with an integrative business solution that will help our vision become a reality.
    Petra Radović
    Chief Financial, Marketing and HR officer / Teh-Cut d.o.o.
    We needed best business practices on decision making and reporting, meaning visualizations and the value that can be derived from the information contained in them. We wanted to establish a partnership with a provider, not only on an IT level, but also on a business consulting level. We found all this help through the people at ANSERA and TIBCO.
    Črtomir Ješelnik
    Use of the system Spotfire and cooperation with the company Ansera was an important business moment for us because the company KERN upgraded the controlling and reporting capabilities, in particular, we shortened time to collect data and prepare analyses. It is important to emphasize that the system is used in all main processes of the company KERN and that the employees effectively adopted and implemented its full functionalities in our processes.
    Janez Poje
    Director / Kern
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